Why I Decided to “Quit My Day Job”

Okay, quit is kind of harsh. I would prefer, leave? Taking a break? I really, really, really, loved my “day job.” It was my job that I worked during the day (hence the quotations), but it wasn’t something I worked from 9 until 5, Monday through Friday. I would’ve loved to, but I have school and other things to juggle around. My blog has been lacking, my own designs & creativity were lacking, and the book lover that I am? I’ve become more of a book buyer than a book reader- and that alone keeps me up at night. Let me explain why I chose to quit my day job.

(a bit random, but these are portions of a poster I’ve recently made)

“…and although that’s definitely something (money) I should prioritize, there were other things I wanted at 20 years old.”

I left something I enjoyed doing because it was time to focus on school. I’ve always been someone that put their priorities on making money- and although that’s definitely something I should prioritize, there were other things I wanted at 20 years old. Being that I was only given the option of choosing one or the other-schedule wise, I chose school. It wasn’t easy to decide, because I’ve always needed money. I still do- but I’m doing this for future Emily. Future Emily probably doesn’t want to go to school anymore, she probably will want to settle down, make money how she wants to, do what she wants to, and be who she wants to. You can always go forward, but you can never go back.

“…time is money.”

Leaving my main source of income was at the very least- something I had to get used to & fast. Although I do have freelance & part time work, it doesn’t compare to what I was making. Money isn’t everything, and I don’t want it to be. I’ve seen too many people obsess over money- and let me tell you, it ain’t pretty. Although I lost that bit of cash flow, I did gain more time… And you know what they say, time is money.

Related Post: Everything Happens For a Reason

In a way, I’m investing in myself. I’m doing things I normally wouldn’t have the time to do. I’m BLOGGING AGAIN!! Although I was before, not nearly as much as I would’ve loved to. More time has also given me the chance to catch up on my own design work, whether for clients or just for fun. I’ve really been able to focus on myself, and I think that’s more important than any paying job. Your brain jelly needs a break every so often & that’s okay!!! Disclaimer: Just not too often because that can be mistaken for being lazy & we don’t want that… 

“You’ll never know if you don’t try.”

With all of that said, if you need more time for yourself- that’s okay! If you’re in a position to do that, awesome! If not? Figure out how you can make that possible, don’t make excuses. You’ll never know if you don’t try. So, I tried- and I did. did create more blog posts, I did spend more time on my design work, and I did start my own business….  Along with other things, but I thought I’d mention the big ones. Would I have been able to do that if I didn’t take the risk? I’d like to give a shout out to all of the people that do go to school full time & work part time… I used to do it, and it is the furthest thing from easy.

Thank you for sticking around & reading this post! If you’ve gone through something similar, please comment below! I’d love to chat with you. If you’re thinking about leaving your day job to focus on yourself or something that you love, also leave a comment! I want to hear all about it! You’re not alone.

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An entrepreneur passionate about empowering women-owned small businesses by offering the resources they need to grow their online presence.


I'm Emily