The Ultimate List of Books to Read This Summer

Is anyone else ready for the Summer to just BEGIN? I can’t be the only person who wants to sit by the water and just chill out. Not only chill out but to sit down and read. I think now is a good time to come up with the ultimate list of books to read this summer. There are cookies in this post, to learn more about them click here.

Expand Your Book  Collection

Knowing my reading obsession, Book of the Month Club is literally the best idea for me. The best idea for anyone who loves to read- and if you’re anything like me, you spend a lot of time at the book store searching for the one. 

Book of the Month Club is a monthly subscription box that allows you to choose from a selection of books chosen by BOTM Judges. Right now they’re offering amazing deals (up to 3 months for just $10 a month!) and you’ll receive one book per month. AND if you like more than one book, you can purchase another for just $9.99 extra! All books are hard cover, so think about how much money you’re saving! It’s a heaven for book lovers.

Book of the Month JUNE Selections

  1. The Sisters Chase by Sarah Healy ( Judge Liberty Hardy )
  2. Chemistry by Wekie Wang ( Judge Leigh Haber )
  3. White Fur by Jardine Libaire – ( Judge Laia Garcia )
  4. A Million Junes by Emily Henry ( Judge Katie Gotugno )
  5. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid ( Judge Steph Opitz )

Other BOTM Favorites

From the 5 listed above, you can choose one as your BOOK of the month starting June 1st. After that you’ll be able to purchase your “extras” for only $9.99! Not sure if you’ll like it? Preview it: Sign up for just 1 month for only $10! Aside from my favorite subscription box, I also have a bookshelf with a wide selection to take from… thanks to my book shopping habits. I buy more books than I can read and that’s okay. One day I’ll need all of these books, right?

List of Books to Read This Summer

Below is a list of books that I’ve read, that I own, and that I’m looking to buy and read this summer. Those with a “BOTM offer” are books you may purchase your “extra” for only $9.99!

  1. Modern Lovers by Emma Straub
  2. Talking As Fast As I Can by Lauren Graham
  3. The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker
  4. Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven
  5. One Day We’ll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter by Scaachi Koul
  6. Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson
  7. Look At You Now by Liz Pryor
  8. Idaho by Emily Ruskovich
  9. Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham
  10. Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
  11. Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav
  12. Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
  13. Startup by Doree Shafrir
  14. Gravity by R. M. Drake
  15. 1984 by George Orwell
  16. The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena
  17. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
  18. The Dear Queen Journey by Sylvester McNutt III
  19. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
  20. You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott

As you can see, a lot of these books were introduced to me from Book of the Month. Seriously, it has opened a lot of doors for me when it comes to finding new books to treasure. Modern Lovers is still my favorite from last summer, but I have had a lot of close seconds. For June Selections from Book of the Month Club I have chosen A Million Junes, and bought an extra book too (because I just couldn’t choose 😉 ). The extra book that I chose was The Sisters Chase.

p.s. if you post a pic of this card on Instagram (filled out) and tag @bookofthemonthclub– members who are reposted by @bookofthemonthclub receive 3 months free!

A list of 20 should be okay for now, and if you can read more than 20 books within a summer- I’m JEALOUS. I love keeping busy with my work, but I do miss the worlds I could get lost in that these books gave me. Anyone have any books they’d recommend that wasn’t mentioned in the list of books above? Please let me know! I’m always expanding my collection. 😉

Stay creative ♥

  1. Tali says:

    Found this just in time. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sarah says:

    I have so many books in my unready book draw that it can’t even close now! Reading is so relaxing and I wish I could do it more often!

  3. Ryan says:

    I wish I had time to finish 1 book this summer, let alone a whole list! ha

    • I feel the same way, Ryan. But I’m hoping that this list is more of a list of goals rather to-dos and just banging it out whenever I have “down” time. Happy Summer! & Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  4. Melissa says:

    The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, one of my all time favs! I, too, can’t wait for summer to begin and to be able to sit outside for hours, doing nothing but getting lost in a book. Ah! Can’t wait!

    • Yesss! Just warm weather and longer days, that’s what I’m looking forward to! The Five People You Meet in Heaven is such a good book! I read it awhile ago so will have to re-read again soon. Thanks for stopping by ♥

  5. Kaitlin says:

    Thanks for the list! I just got a library card (after living in this area for a year!) and needed a good place to start. I have read a few of these now I need to get to the rest of this list!

  6. Margaret says:

    This is such a great list of books. Summer is always my time to catch up on reading!

  7. Alexandria says:

    These sound great! I’ll have to read a couple this summer!

  8. I wish I had time to read all these books! 1984 is a classic!

  9. Sarah says:

    This looks like a good list! I think a book of the month is a great idea! I could find time to read one a month! I’ll check it out!

    • Isn’t it the best idea? When I first signed up I had feared that I wouldn’t be able to read a book a month, but receiving a book each month actually kept me on track to reading it before I could choose the next one.. I’m obsessed! Thanks for stopping by & let me know if you have any questions! ♥

  10. Laura says:

    Great tipps thank you! Chemestry looks really good!

  11. I love BOTM too 😀 and because of my travel schedule, I had to stop. I discovered Modern Lovers and Couple Next Door and Enchanted Island (have you read it?!) thanks to BOTM. Book listed your other suggestions and perhaps will get to renewing my subscription 🙂 Subscribed to you now! Xx

    • I’ve read Modern Lovers and Couple Next Door! They’re the two books I couldn’t put down when I started reading, loved them both! That’s too bad about your traveling schedule, but I’m sure you’ll be able to re-subscribe one day soon! Thanks for the comment ♥

  12. Some of these books look like ones I would enjoy if I could just take the time to sit and read. I have 5 on my kindle that are waiting for me. I love to read but with my work I never seem to take the time to do so. Thank you for such a great list, I will share it with my Mom.

    • I feel you, I have entire shelves of books waiting to read.. I can buy more faster than I can read, LOL! That’s why I like BOTM, it’s almost like you HAVE to finish your book before receiving your next month’s selections.. Thanks for the comment! ♥

  13. sam says:

    Great list. I haven’t seen most of them but I will check them out on kindle unlimited. Check this other book out for a thrilling read.

  14. […] Related Post: The Ultimate List of Books to Read This Summer […]

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An entrepreneur passionate about empowering women-owned small businesses by offering the resources they need to grow their online presence.


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