What I Want From 2017

Hello friends! 12 days into 2017, that’s almost 2 weeks. Did you do anything new yet? Maybe see something you’ve never seen before, tried something new, seen something exciting? Anything? Almost two weeks into the new year, and I can truly say that up until just now- I have had something to do every day. Not just work or school, like before. Something new and exciting, something to look forward to. I’ve been sketching more, getting lost in all of my Adobe apps, (mostly Photoshop, Lightroom, and InDesign) and reading! (The Universe of Us by Lang Leav and Broken Flowers by Robert M. Drake) I highly recommend either book.

Barely two weeks into 2017 and I know what I want. These are my goals for 2017.

// T R A V E L //

Who doesn’t want to travel more? For me, it’s a must. I get weird when I don’t travel- it could be as silly as going for a drive and finding a new beach (and it’s not hard being that I live on an island) because it’s something. Most family and friends already know this about me but I’m not entirely sure if this has been shared on the blog. The top thing(s?) I have to do before I die is eat a taco in every state of the United States of America. (by the way, I had most of the east coast done, but decided to start over just so I can take a photo in each place/blog about it) The amount of tacos that actually is doesn’t concern me, it’s the expenses that do- ha! With that said I want to be able to at least DENT that number 49 by the end of this year. 10 states by 2018? — Now with that said I’m hoping to blog each time I take a state off my list!

// L E A R N //Β 

Ummm Emily- “learn” isn’t specific enough, what does this mean?? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LEARN??Β Exactly. I want to learn anything and everything that comes at me. Sure- I have a few things in mind as to what I specifically want to learn by the end of the year,Β but I do want to take everything that’s given to me. Specifically, I wouldΒ love to learn more into Adobe Lightroom as well a video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. πŸ™‚

I’d also like to take more time to read. I have so many books on so many shelves waiting to be read because I always bought more than I could read. Book of the Month Club keeps me reading- it’s a monthly subscription box Β where you receive a hardcover book of your choice, fromΒ a selection of new books they’ve chosen for the month. If you haven’t seen it already you should definitely take a look now.


// A R T //

Create more! My current major is Graphic Design which means I’ve been investing 99.9% of my time in graphics, page layouts, logo design, web design,Β and everything that I’ve been doing for my 9-5. The other .1% goes to sleep- on a good day. What got me into my art was photography and it saddens me that I don’t take as many photos as I used to. So for 2017, I’d like to take enough photosΒ from my camera (although technology these days has phone photography coming out beautifully too). Enough meaning a satisfying amount because in just one shoot I’ll take at leastΒ one thousand photos and I’m not going to even bother attempting guessing the amount of photos taken by the end of 2017. I’d like to practice more with pencil and paper too, over the last few months I’ve seen that I’m not too horrible at drawing, just need more time and practice. Starting off 2017 with a creative freebie, you can download this January 2017 calendar I created!

// M E E T //Β 

I want to make new creative friends, so if that’s something you’re interested in please reach out! Building a creative community would be a dream- especially with the right kind of people. I’d also like to meet a few of my friends that I haven’t met in real life yet. Some of you I’ve known for months, others I’ve known for years! We’ve always planned but never really took it seriously. Timing is key and I guess that’s just another thing I’ll be working on this 2017.

// What are you looking forward to this 2017? What are your goals?Β 

…and how can I help you achieve them? Talking about what I want for this year could go on and on, so I’ll leave it to these important few. Β Comment below or email me about what you expect out of 2017, I’d love to hear from you. β™₯

January 2017 calendar can be found & downloaded here!

  1. Abigail says:

    I would have to agree with the first one right off the bat! I’ve traveled a few this past year but I hope I can see more new places this year!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  2. blair villanueva says:

    Thanks for sharing this downloadable calendar. I could make use of it for scheduling my posts and drafts.

  3. Great list! I’m looking forward to learning more as well in 2017.

  4. Amber Myers says:

    I hope you get to do all these things. I also hope to travel more. I do know I’m going to Disney World in March, so that’s something.

  5. Wow! Tacos in all 50 states! When you come to Maryland I will take you to an incredible taco place! These are great goals and fun! I have heard of that book of the month club, my daughter would probably love it! However, I’m in the middle of writing my own book, so research and blogging will be about my limit for the next few months. I love to travel and the beach is my happy place, hands down! It must be awesome to live on an island. What an experience! Blessings to you in 2017 and may all your goals be completed!

    • I know! It’s nice to know I’ll be able to see each state at least once though πŸ™‚ Thank you! Book of the Month Club is so much fun and has introduced me to so many new books- I definitely recommend it for your daughter!

      How exciting about your new book! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way- I have experience in book design and would love to help. Link me the book when it’s out so I can read! Much happiness to you! β™₯

  6. Marcy says:

    What a great article…love your vision

  7. Love your goals πŸ™‚

    This year I’m shifting toward monthly goals. I think the frequent check-ins will help keep me accountable and on track to reaching my overall vision! πŸ™‚

  8. What a great post. Travel is also on my 2017 goals and also workout more. I have been trying to go to gym so decided I will run instead.

  9. Rose says:

    It would be nice if everyone put learning on their list! I am open to learning when it is put in front of me but there’s a couple blogging/social media things I would like to learn. I too want to read more books. God luck with your art!

    • Right?? It’s something I feel like a lot of people miss/forget to think about– and I’ve been guilty of it in the past! So I’m excited to learn new things this year- but I agree! Would love to learn more of the law/business side of blogging, one of favorite bloggers & friend at http://www.jadeoak.com/ has taught me a lot so far but also offers lessons & tutorials! Thank you & good luck to you and blogging as well πŸ™‚

  10. Valerie says:

    Our goal is to get our farm off the ground. We are working hard around here and have so much to do. With that means more work, reading and meeting new people too. Happy New Year.

    • Good luck to you and the farm! I’m excited to see what 2017 has to bring for you πŸ™‚ Let me know how it goes or if there’s anything I can do to help in any way! Happy New Year!

  11. Roxy says:

    I haven’t sat down and written my goals yet, but I’m genuinely hoping this will be a big year for me and my family. I’m hoping for health, professional growth, and overall happiness!

  12. Dana Vento says:

    I’m looking forward to create more set of friends and more travel for this year.

  13. Ana Ojha says:

    My 2017 goals are to do more traveling and give more time to my blog this year!

  14. […] Related Post: Goals & What I Want from 2017 […]

  15. […] freaking believe it? It feels like just yesterday I posted Goals & What I Want From 2017. In that post, I went over some goals and things that I wanted to accomplish before the year was over. Welp, let the countdown […]

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An entrepreneur passionate about empowering women-owned small businesses by offering the resources they need to grow their online presence.


I'm Emily